I've mentioned before on my earlier post about how I love cooking nowadays, ryte? ;)
So this is one of my most favorite recipe of all, The Macaroni and Cheese Pie.
I got the recipe from some random recipe book, decided to try on it, and it turned out to be very good!
How can you resist Mac and Cheese?! They're just lovable!
Besides, you only need few ingredients: Tomatoes, Macaroni, Cheese, Flour, and Egg. And taraaaaa!
I might warn you something: once you eat this, you won't be able to stop. Well, unless your house is burning or something. Kidding!
If you want to try this recipe, you can click here for another similar recipe I found from Brown Eyed Baker. Pick one! PS: Have I told you how amazing she is? Okay, I've said it too many times. She's my Muse!
You can add some other ingredients too, I added sausage to the original recipe and they taste as just what I've expected. Very yum-yum!
Happy weekend everyone! :D
Thanks for reading!