
Mac 'n Cheese Pie

I've mentioned before on my earlier post about how I love cooking nowadays, ryte? ;)
So this is one of my most favorite recipe of all, The Macaroni and Cheese Pie.
I got the recipe from some random recipe book, decided to try on it, and it turned out to be very good!
How can you resist Mac and Cheese?! They're just lovable!
Besides, you only need few ingredients: Tomatoes, Macaroni, Cheese, Flour, and Egg. And taraaaaa!

I might warn you something: once you eat this, you won't be able to stop. Well, unless your house is burning or something. Kidding!
If you want to try this recipe, you can click here for another similar recipe I found from Brown Eyed Baker. Pick one! PS: Have I told you how amazing she is? Okay, I've said it too many times. She's my Muse!
You can add some other ingredients too, I added sausage to the original recipe and they taste as just what I've expected. Very yum-yum!

Happy weekend everyone! :D

Thanks for reading!



I was chillin' at home, enjoying my very-short-2-days holiday.
So I decided to took some photos with my new babyyy ;)

It's Cara - my classic string guitar given from the loveliest man ever, my hubby.
So pretty, doesn't it?

 Now how's your day? I still had the busiest week, with more of events coming. Seems like they have cooperated to chose the same time to keep me always busy with stuffs undone. I didn't even get the time to cook and I somehow feel so sad about it ;(
Wish me luck, dears! Till the next post! :D

Thanks for reading!


Tephi's Sweet 17th Birthday Party

Last night I attended a sweet 17th birthday party of my girl - Stephanie Hutani! She was a guitarist in my gospel band, we've been friends since I was in the 11th grade. She's on the same age with my sister, three years younger than me.
I hadn't been attending sweet 17th party for some time, so I feel a lil bit younger last night. Haha ironically I'm turning twenty this year.. TWENTY! Gosh, so old. Yet time still flies too fast.

The BEST news is.. I bought it, finally! My own camera :D
So here's some photo from the party last night!

Pisa Cafe's Bar

The fetucinne is everyone's fave - yum!

My sister ;)

Happy Sweet Seventeenth again, dear Teph!
All the best for yaaaa
Semakin alay :* Semoga cepet dapet jodoh! Hahaha. Loveyou! :*

Thanks for reading!
Irene ;)


DKV Prime Time Harlem Shake!

Hello fellow bloggers! :*
Oooohh so long time no talk!

I had been so busy these days, mainly because this event - DKV Prime Time -
An event from my Major, Visual Communication Design.
I'm the coordinator of the 'Event' division
-is that what they called it in english? Well, whatever-
so I had been doing some preparation for the event.
I'm gonna tell you later! *After I finished the reports first, of course..*

In the middle of our 2nd simulation for the seminar, we made this video.
Finally, Harlem Shake! SO MUCH FUN! Hahaha!